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GOLF VARSITY MATCH Sunday 18th April 12:30pm

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On March 16, 2021
It is that time of year again, where Oxford take on Cambridge – this year Oxford are the hosts at Cape Shanck. A lovely looking course and a nice Covid safe activity. If you would like to represent the light blues – please contact Peter Adams at golf@cambridgesociety.org.au 
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Cambridge Society Australia (VIC) AGM, 16 Dec 2020

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On December 11, 2020
The Annual General Meeting of the Society will take place on Zoom (online) on Wednesday 16th December. It will start at 6.30 pm. Every member will receive a zoom link by email 1 day before the meeting. We encourage you to get involved in the Society and to participate in the AGM. The links below […]
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2020 Annual Dinner of the Society

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On September 28, 2020
Friday 23rd October 2020 We are pleased to announce that our annual dinner will be held in a virtual format on 23 October 2020. Although it is no mean logistical feat, we thought that there is something special about the sharing of food and wine and we have come up with a plan so that […]
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Cambridge Society Australia (VIC) AGM, 18 Dec 2019

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On November 17, 2019
The Annual General Meeting of the Society will take place on Wednesday 18th December at the Savage Club. It will start at 12 pm. We encourage you to get involved in the Society and to participate in the AGM. The links below will take you to the relevant documentation. Notice of AGM for 2019 AGM […]
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AGM and Varsity Match, 18 December

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On November 17, 2019
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th December at the Savage Club. (Please note change in date from the last newsletter.) The AGM starts at 12 noon, followed by lunch at 12:30 and with the Varsity Matches showing during the meal. Bookings must close at noon on Monday 16th December. It’s at […]
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Fortuitous Reunion on Route 66

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On October 15, 2019
Early this year Neville Norman talked to us at lunch about the Hayne Report. Amongst the audience was Paul Latimer. Afterwards Paul persuaded Neville to repeat this talk at a Cambridge/global law conference at Jesus College Cambridge in September. This then duly happened. In conversation they each discovered that, with their wives, Catherine Latimer and Margaret […]
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2019 Annual Dinner of the Society

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On August 24, 2019
Wednesday 13th November 2019 We are pleased to announce that our annual dinner will be held at The Melbourne Club on Wednesday 13th November. The delay has been caused by difficulties with negotiating a suitable date with a suitable speaker. We are pleased to announce that this year’s guest speaker will be Professor Martin Daunton, […]
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Presidential Lunch: Emerging themes in South American politics

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On August 24, 2019
Lunch on 18th September 2019 Our President Raul Sanchez-Urribarri is a Senior Lecturer in Crime, Justice & Legal Studies at Latrobe University. He obtained his first law degree at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), a private university in Venezuela, followed by an LLM at Cambridge (St Edmund’s 1998/99) and a PhD at the University of […]
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Genomes: Lunch Talk with Irene Gallego Romero on 19th June

  • Posted by Fabrice Boucherat
  • On May 19, 2019
Genomes – or how are you related to everyone else in the room Our genomes hold the key to pretty much everything — or, at least, so runs a lot of advertising copy these days. From the privacy of your own home, you can now spit into a tube to divine your ancestry, unknowingly help […]
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