
By joining the society, you will receive our monthly newsletter, which keeps you abreast of local social activities and also of goings-on at Cambridge. You receive a discount to the annual dinner, and support the considerable administrative work of the committee.

Please fill and submit form below or download the attached form (right-click to save the form to your hard drive) and email or post it to the Secretary, at the address shown on the form. For membership enquiries, please contact the Secretary for Membership.

The cost structure of a subscription to the Society is as follows:

  • A$35 for 1 year or
  • A$100 for 3 years

    Asterisk (*) denotes required fields



    First name*




    Letters or honorifics


    Date of Birth

    Postal Mailing address*


    Email (for notification of events)*


    Home phone

    Work phone


    Would you like to receive the newsletter by email (our preference)/ or by letter?

    Spouse or partner’s name

    Does the Alumni association, Cambridge based, send you a copy of its magazine CAM?

    If YES give your Alumni No


    If NO, would you like to receive it?

    Which college did you attend?

    Between which years?

    Year from

    Year to

    Name while at Cambridge (if since changed)

    What discipline(s) did you study?

    What is your current occupation?

    Are there any activities that would be of particular interest to you? (cultural, sporting, etc.)

    Do you know of any Cantabrigians living in Victoria who might be interested in joining the Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) and in which case, how do we get in touch with them?

    Privacy statement:
    In order to send information like newsletters and invitations to you, we need your consent that we can add your details to our Database, use your e-mail and other addresses for correspondence as well as share your details with our committee members and University and College Alumni Offices all in a protected way. You also have a right to update or withdraw such consent at a later stage if desired. Our full Data Protection Statement can be found under The Society page on our website.

    Are you giving your consent?